Corporate social responsibility


Our employees are the backbone of our business. We care about all our employees, from cleaning staff, to administrative personnel and drivers. Each employee has a function that contributes to our core business: delivering high quality full-service transport solutions to LS Intertank customers. We treat all employees with respect, and we expect them and our stakeholders to show mutual respect. This is our proven way to build long term relations with our employees.

Work/life balance
We believe that all employees should have time for rest and time with family, as this contributes to a better work/life balance. Therefore, every week, 34 LS Intertank passenger cars drive around 25.000 km to bring LS Intertank drivers back and forth between trucks and their homes. The majority of drivers work in shift 2+1 (two weeks at work, one week at home) or 2+2 (two weeks at work, two weeks at home) but we have different systems to meet different needs.


During the weekends, MasterDrivers offer drivers practical training in relevant topics. The drivers use this opportunity to learn more within their field. This is also a way to socialize, if not using the company bikes as an active way of spending free time with colleagues.

At all locations, Facility Managers are available for drivers’ requests, and we always take inputs from drivers seriously. This is our way to show mutual respect and continue a constructive dialogue.
We want LS Intertank to be a good place to work.

Corporate social responsibility


Our employees are the backbone of our business. We care about all our employees, from cleaning staff, to administrative personnel and drivers. Each employee has a function that contributes to our core business: delivering high quality full-service transport solutions to LS Intertank customers. We treat all employees with respect, and we expect them and our stakeholders to show mutual respect. This is our proven way to build long term relations with our employees.

Work/life balance
We believe that all employees should have time for rest and time with family, as this contributes to a better work/life balance. Therefore, every week, 22 LS Intertank passenger cars drive around 25.000 km to bring LS Intertank drivers back and forth between trucks and their homes. The majority of drivers work in shift 2+1 (two weeks at work, one week at home) or 2+2 (two weeks at work, two weeks at home) but we have different systems to meet different needs.


During the weekends, MasterDrivers offer drivers practical training in relevant topics. The drivers use this opportunity to learn more within their field. This is also a way to socialize, if not using the company bikes as an active way of spending free time with colleagues.

At all locations, Facility Managers are available for drivers’ requests, and we always take inputs from drivers seriously. This is our way to show mutual respect and continue a constructive dialogue.
We want LS Intertank to be a good place to work.



LS Intertank has a significant focus on reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by coaching our drivers to adopt eco-driving practices that avoid over-speeding, over-revving, idling and braking too hard.

Two specialised MasterDrivers are continuously co-driving LS Intertank drivers, among other instructing them in ECO driving behaviour. In addition, all trucks have installed digital devices to report fuel consumption, driving style and general driving efficiency.


The LS Intertank truck fleet consist of 150 2- and 3 axle trucks of EURO 6 standard, which is the highest EU standard for exhaust emissions. We prioritize the best quality of tires on all LSI trucks, do not mount sunscreens and construct our chassis specifically to reduce wind resistance. We continuously focus on optimizing our fleet to ensure a business practice with great consideration of our environmental footprint.

Obviously, there is financial gain in reducing fuel consumption, but mostly we take these steps from a core of environmental awareness and a wish for a sustainable business in the future.

Code of conduct

Code of conduct

Compliance commitment

LS Intertank ApS supports in its actions the ten principles of United Nations Global Compact, in the areas of Human rights, Labour Standards, Environmental Protection and Anti-corruption. These areas form the basis for LS Intertank’s Code of Conduct, and it is integrated in every business agreement with LS Intertank to accept and comply with this Code of Conduct, which should be considered a minimum requirement.

Human rights

Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Labour Standards

Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and discrimination in work and employment relations.


Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Scope of validity

LS Intertank ApS request all suppliers to join the UN’s “Global Compact”.

LS Intertank ApS follows the principles in this “Code of Conduct” and requires that suppliers do the same. Furthermore, suppliers must ensure that their sub-suppliers also comply with LS Intertank’s “Code of Conduct”. In addition, all trucks have installed digital devices to report fuel consumption, driving style and general driving efficiency.